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dental braces
Image by Yingpis Kalayom
  • Fixed dental braces are very useful devices for treating many dental irregularities and jaw problems.


  • Metal braces are often preferred by orthodontists for orthodontic treatments. However, it is also possible to use transparent braces and lingual braces for patients with aesthetic concerns.


  • The orthodontic treatment procedure is specific to each patient. An average orthodontic treatment lasts from 12 to 24 months. During the treatment period patient visits his/her orthodontist monthly.

  • With the advancing technology, clear aligners have been used to correct many dental irregularities.


  • It is a very aesthetic treatment alternative and it is not noticed unless they are closely and carefully examined. However, the patient's participation in the treatment process becomes more important than fixed orthodontic treatment. If devices are not used regularly treatment process got longer.


  • You should consult your orthodontist to determine whether treatment with clear aligners is the right option for the solution of your dental problems.

pediatric dentistry
Image by S&B Vonlanthen
  • Preventing dental and jaw disorders from occurring or preventing the progression of problems to early interventions is an important area of orthodontics.

  • Contrary to popular belief, milk teeth are very important. Early loss causes future orthodontic problems. For this reason, it is very important to take care of the milk teeth and ensure that they are treated instead of having them removed. Sometimes it may be necessary to replace the extracted teeth with placeholders.


  • Age 6 is the appropriate age for the first orthodontist visit. In this way, the follow-up of the teeth and jaw development by an orthodontist can easily solve the complex problems that may occur in the young age. This can sometimes save patients from jaw surgeries they will have to undergo in the future.

orthodontics for adults
Image by Lesly Juarez
  • With the increasing aesthetic concerns, the widespread use of social media and the development of smartphones' photo taking features, adults are more dissatisfied with existing dental layouts.


  • Orthodontic treatment has no age limit and there are many orthodontic treatment alternatives suitable for adults. For patients who are uncomfortable with the appearance of braces during treatment, among the many alternatives such as transparent plaques, hidden wires or transparent braces, the most suitable for the patient can be determined during the orthodontic examination.


  • Some adults have no complaints of tooth alignment, but they have tooth loss and their spaces have become irregular over the years. It may not be possible to treat implants in such spaces. In such cases, it is possible to prepare the patient for prosthetic treatment with short-term orthodontic treatments. This treatment approach is an important part of adult orthodontics.

orthognatic surgery
Image by Alexander Krivitskiy
  • Orthodontics is actually sufficient alone in the treatment of dental and jaw position disorders of many patients. However, in some patient groups, it may be necessary to combine orthodontic treatment with surgical procedures due to the failure to perform orthodontic intervention during the correct growth and development period or genetic predisposition. In such cases, the wire treatment process mostly starts before the chin surgery. After reaching a certain stage, the orthodontist directs his patient to the surgeon who will perform the surgery. The surgeon and the orthodontist plan the case together and the appropriate surgical procedure is applied to the patient. Post-operative orthodontic treatment continues for a while.

Botoks (Diş sıkma tedavisi)
Güzel gülümseme

  • Diş sıkması problemi toplumda oldukça yaygın görünmektedir. Nedeni çok faktörlü olabilmektedir.


  • Uzun süre diş sıkan hastalarda dişler ve çene eklemi aşınarak zarar görür. Yüz kenarlarındaki kaslar belirginleşir ve köşeli bir yüz tipi ortaya çıkar. Diş sıkma problemi ihmal edilmemelidir.

  • Diş sıkması problemi olan hastalar detaylı olarak analiz edilmeli ve kişiye özgü tedavi planı uygulanmalıdır.

  • Diş hekimliğinde diş sıkması ve diş eti gülümsemesi gibi fonksiyonel problemlerin tedavisinde botoks uygulamaları önemli bir yer tutar.

  • Botilinum bir bakteriden elde edilen proteindir. Enjekte edilen kasta geçici tipte gevşeme yapar.

  • Diş sıkması problemi masseter kası fazla çalışmasına bağlıysa bu kasın botilinum ile gevşetilmesi yararlıdır.

  • Hekiminizle görüşerek bu tedavinin sizin için uygun olup olmadığı konusunda muayene sonrası bilgi alabilirsiniz.

Diş Beyazlatma
Kadın beyaz dişlek gülümseme
  • Diş beyazlatma ofis tipi veya ev tipi olarak ikiye ayrılır. Ofis tipi beyazlatma diş hekiminizin bazı jeller uygulayarak muayenehanesinde gerçekleştirdiği işlemdir. Ev tipi beyazlatma içinse diş hekiminiz sizin ağzınıza uygun plaklar üretir ve plaklara evde uygulayarak kullanabileceğiniz bazı jeller verir. Hangi beyazlatma tipinin sizin için daha uygun olacağına diş hekiminiz karar verecektir. 

  • Diş hekiminiz dişlerinizin rengini değerlendirerek birden fazla seans önerebilir. Bu, işlemin kalıcılığını ve etkisini arttırmaya yarar. 

  • Ortodontik tedavi bittikten sonra beyazlatma işlemi uygulanabilmektedir. 

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